
英语语法 10 - 定语从句


11.1 先行词与关系词

  • 先行词:被定语从句修饰的对象
  • 关系词:重复代指先行词、起连接主句和从句的作用,并在从句中充当一定成分的连接词
    • 关系代词:重复代指先行词并在从句中充当一定成分,who, whom, which, that, whose
    • 关系副词:连接主语和从句,起副词作用,when, where, why

11.2 关系代词在定语从句中充当的成分

  • 关系词作从句主语,从句谓语动词的形式由关系词代指的先行词来决定
    • The woman who lives next door is a famous dancer.
  • 关系词做从句宾语,或介词宾语,此时关系词可省略
    • I’d really like to find a friend (who) I can trust him completely.
    • I’m talking about the friends (who) you can share almost everything with.

11.3 关系代词与先行词的搭配关系

  • who与whom
    • who为主格形式,可以在从句中做主语、宾语和表语,不能用于介词之后
    • whom不能在从句中做主语,可以用在介词之后
      • I’m talking about friends who you can share almost everything with.
      • I’m talking about friends with whom you can share almost everything.
  • 表示人或物的所有关系,用whose
    • When I looked through the window, I saw a girl whose beauty took my breath away.
  • 先行词指物,用which,可以用来指代词、短语和句子
    • Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.
    • He likes climbing mountains, which is a good exercise.
    • He tore up the photo, which upset me.
  • that可代指人,也可以代指物,不能用在非限制定语从句,不能用在介词之后,在以下情况下使用that更为合适
    • 当先行词中同时出现人和物时
      • The writer and his novels that the article deals with are quite familiar to us.
    • 先行词为指物的all, little, few, much, none, the first
      • All that glitters is not gold.
      • This book contains little that is useful.
      • There is not much that can be done.
    • 先行词被any, only, all, every, no, some, much, few, little, 序数词, 最高级, the only, the one, the very, the right等修饰
      • Tell us all things that you know.
      • There is no difficulty that they can’t overcome.

11.4 关系副词

  • When引导定语从句,先行词必须为表时间的名词,且关系副词必须在从句中做时间状语
    • I’ll never forget the day when I met you.
  • Where引导定语从句,先行词一般为表示地点的名词,且关系副词必须在从句中做地点状语
    • This is the town where I spent my childhood.
  • Why用来引导表原因的限定性定语从句, 先行词是如reason等表原因的名词
    • This is the reason why I didn’t come here.

11.5 限制性定语从句与非限制定语从句

  • 限制性定语从句
    • 用来附一个名词提供必要的信息,说明先行词的身份或性质,或限制先行词的所知范围,若去掉从句则主句部分的含义不明确,或意义不完整,因此不用逗号隔开
    • He is a man who is of value to the people.
  • 非限制定语从句
    • 用来提供附加而必要的信息,只是对先行词作进一步的解释、补充或说明,若去掉并不会影响主句的含义,因此要用逗号将从句和主句隔开
    • My mother, who is 50 this year, lives with me now.
    • An elephant, which is the earth’s largest land mammal, has few natural enemies other than human beings.
  • 非限制定语从句与限制定语从句有不同的含义,两者的强调的侧重点不同
    • He has a daughter who works in a hospital. 表示他有多个女儿,其中一个在医院工作
    • He has a daughter, who works in a hospital. 强调他有一个女儿,而不是儿子,在医院工作只是补充信息
  • 非限制定语从句一般按照各种状语进行翻译
    • The food, which wasn’t in the fridge, all went off. 食物都坏了,因为没有放在冰箱里。

11.6 定语从句与同位语从句的区别

  • 结构区别:that是否作句子成分


    • The rumor that he spread everywhere turned to be untrue.
    • The rumor that Tom was a thief turned out to be untrue.
  • 意义区别:that引导的从句的意义不同


    • The news that you heard is not true.
    • The news that Lincoln was murdered at a theater is true.