
英语语法 3 - 形容词


4.1 形容词在名词短语中的位置

  • 前置修饰

    • 单个形容词作定语修饰名词,位于名词之前,形式为限定词+形容词+名词,I am reading an interesting book.
    • 多个形容词修饰名词时的排序,限定词+观点形容词(beautiful, famous)+尺寸大小+形状+新旧+颜色+国籍/出处/产地+用途+中心名词

      This beautiful, big, old, red, Chinese, wooden table was my grandmother’s.

      The man was carrying a small black plastic bag.

  • 后置修饰

    • 形容词+补足语 构成的形容词短语
      • 形容词+介词短语,a jacket similar to yours.
      • 形容词+不定式短语,parents eager to support their children’s effort
      • 形容词+动名词短语,a waiter busy serving the guests
      • 形容词后接that从句,If a dimond is heated without oxygen, it will turn to graphite, a from of carbon so soft that it is used as a lubricant.
      • 形容词与补足语分隔,Vitamins are organic compounds necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life.
      • 形容词在名词前,补足语在名词后,a taller man than John.
    • 多个形容词并列 构成的形容词短语
      • 两个或两个以上的形容词(短语)并列作定语,一般放在修饰名词后面,且用逗号将形容词与句子其他部分分隔开;此时作定语的形容词通常是对所修饰名词的补充性解释或说明
        • All countries, large or small, should be equal.
        • Each person has his or her own purpose and distinct path, unique and separate from anyone else’s.
      • 有时这样的并列形容词短语不是修饰名词,而是修饰整个句子,具有状语的意味
        • Flying the F-16 straight and level is easy.
        • A man approached the official, timid and hesitant.

4.2 形容词的比较级和最高级

  • 比较级和最高级的构成形式


    • 单音节词
      • 一般直接在词尾加-er和-est,bright/brighter/brightest, strong/stronger/strongest
      • 以-e结尾的词,直接在词尾加-r和-st,brave/braver/bravest, large/larger/largest
      • 以-y结尾的词变-y为-i,再加-er和-est,shy/shier/shiest
      • 以一个元音+辅音结尾的词,需双写词尾辅音,再加-er和-est,fat/fatter/fattest, sad/sadder/sddest, big/bigger/biggest
    • 双音节词
      • 以-y结尾的双音节词变-y为-i(不包括副词,如slowly),再加-er和-est,happy/happier/happiest, silly/sillier/silliest, early/earlier/earliest
      • 大部分双音节词分别在词前加more和most构成比较级,tiring/more tiring/most tiring, slowly/more slowly/most slowly
      • 少数双音节词可以采用两种变化形式,包括common, cruel, friendly, funny, handsome, mature,noisy, pleasant, polite, quiet, stupid, tired, hollow, narrow, shallow, clever, tender, feeble, gentle, noble
    • 多音节词
      • 三个及三个以上音节的词只能通过more和most来构成比较级和最高级,interesting/more interesting/most interesting, excited, successful
    • 特殊变化形式
      • good-well/better/best, bad-ill/worse/worst, far/farther-further/farthest-furthest, old/older-elder/oldest-eldest, little/less/least,
      • many-much/more/most, late/later-latter/latest-last, up/upper/uppermost-upmost
      • farther/farthest表实际距离,further/furthest可以表进一步、更深入的,常与抽象名词连用,further discussion, further study
      • older/oldest表年龄大小,elder/elsest主要表家庭成员之间的长幼关系(一般不接than),my elder brother
      • later表时间上的前后,latter表顺序的前后,与former相对;latest表最新的,last表最后一个
    • 不具有等级的形容词

      • 英语中的一小部分词表示绝对含义,因此没有比较级和最高级形式,包括如下

        absolute, alone, dead, empty, equal, eternal, horizontal, perfect, primary, pregnant, round, square, straight, supreme, unique, unanimous

      • 可以用表接近的副词来对上面的词进行修饰,nearly perfect, almost fatal

  • 比较级的用法
    • than的比较句型,被比较的两个事物之间应具有可比性,如下
      • 两个同类事物的比较,A + 比较级 + than + B,This question is less difficult than that question.
      • 同一事物自身的比较,A + 比较级 + 情形1 + than + 情形2,He did much better in the finals this term than last term.
      • 若比较的事物具有包含所属关系,应当用other或else加以区分,Iron is more useful than any other metal.
    • 比较级与the
      • 比较级前面一般不需要the,但在有介词短语of the two出现时需要加the,I think this painting is the more interesting of the two.
    • more and more句型
      • more and more + 形容词,双重比较表示事物的不断变化,The city is becoming more and more beautiful.
      • 不可用在单音节词之前,That singer is getting fatter and fatter.
    • 可以修饰比较级的词
      • 形容词比较级可以用表程度的词进行修饰,a bit, a little bit, a little, a lot, a great deal, any, even, far, by far, much, very much, no, rather, still, slightly, Are you feeling any better?
      • 如下的词一般不能修饰比较级,very, much, quiet, fairly
    • 否定词+比较级
      • 否定词+比较级 表最高级,否定词包括 few, nothing, never, not,It couldn’t be worse. I have never heared a better song.
  • 最高级的用法

    • the + (序数词) + 最高级 + in + 地方,The Huanghe River is the second longest river in China.
    • the + 最高级 + of + 所属范围,Gold is the least useful of all metals.

      of + 所属范围 可以前置句首,Of all forms of energy, electricity is the most widely used.

    • most有时用在形容词前,表非常、很,相当于very, very much,此时前面不用加the,It is a most difficult problem.

4.3 -ing与-ed

  • 基本用法
    • ing形容词主要用来描述事物给人的感觉,主语通常是事物或作定语来修饰事物,the exciting news
    • ed形容词主要用来描述生命体的情绪神态,主语通常是生命体或作定语来修饰生命体,the excited man
  • 高级用法
    • ing可以用来修饰人,表这个人给人的感觉,a boring man, He is interesting to listen to.(听他讲话很有意思)
    • ed可以用来修饰物,表示人的主管感受,Tom has a frightened look on his face.